Music has always been a big part of my life.

Vocal / Harmonica / Guitar / Kuai Ban

A band where we play primarily Irish folk music, but also whatever we want to play.

This is a live band where we have a competition to become more drunk than the audience and have been playing recurrently at UKA Ålesund for the last couple of years.

We have around 100 live performances and the highlights include: The old age home at Skodje Kommune, christmas party for our old high school teachers, KULÅ in Valldal, barnevernet, opening of the new building of our high school, Stordalstrøkk

Created by me and a group of my childhood friends while attending junior high school.

Do not ask for the meaning of the name.

Father K is a musical project in collaboration with Kompis Entertainment and Ole Nogva. We explore the influences of religion in our upbringing but with a business related focus.

Kom og heng (2021)

Created in the style of russian synthpop (ala 1984) we explore the easter week, last supper, good friday and the ultimate betrayal of Judas. Created in celebration of easter.

"Kom og Heng" can directly be translated to "Come and Hang (out)"

Nei til borgerlig konfirmasjon (2022)

In collaboration with Sugar E and Baby H, created in the style of 90s norwegian poprock, we advocate do be strictly against Civil Confirmation (Borgerlig konfirmasjon).

La oss be (2020)

This song was created in collaboration with Kompis Entertainment and Sugar E, this song was made in context of the release of the board game Bekjentspillet (The game of acquaintances), so it basically is a sales jingle.

When I was 15 years old I inherited my dads old phone. On that phone, my 5 year younger sister had recorded a self composed song about how much she missed our home town (Skodje).

Fast forward 7 years and I still have this recording, so I sent it to Vegard Johansen in the hopes that we could produce a song based on this recording.

The song is a gift to my sister in celebration of her 17th birthday and a homage to our hometown Skodje (which is extra fitting since I left a couple years earlier and missed Skodje at the time).